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Tag Archives: video production

Watch Aniboxx’s Top 5 Christmas Adverts of 2015

Happy Holidays! During this festive season we have seen many brands think outside of the box for their marketing campaigns, and create memorable adverts. Sit back and enjoy our top 5 Christmas adverts of 2015.

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Web-COSI Final Conference in Paris

Last week Aniboxx had the fantastic opportunity to fly out to Paris for the Beyond GDP – Statistics for Everyone Web-COSI Final Conference, to present the Web-COSI: Statistics for Everyone video alongside i-genius.

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Aniboxx Leads Training Session on Crowdfunding videos

This week Aniboxx had the pleasure of running a crowdfunding training session at our Partner Phundee’s Crowdfund North London bootcamp.

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Aniboxx Flies to Paris to Present at the Final Web-COSI Summit

We are excited to inform you that Aniboxx will be presenting in Paris on the 3rd December 2015, alongside i-genius at the Beyond GDP – Statistics for Everyone Web-COSI Final Conference.

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How Video Can Increase your App Downloads on Twitter

Capture your target audiences’ attention straight away on Twitter, with their Video App Card! We know it’s hard to stand out on Twitter’s timeline, with it being filled with funny tweets, memes, vines from friends and brands alike constantly trying to reach out and engage their audience. But what better way to stand out other than video?

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Aniboxx’s Favourite Halloween Adverts

In the spirit of Halloween, we’ve listed our favourite Halloween adverts. Some brands have been really bold and creative with this theme over the years, and we’ve narrowed down the best 3 we’ve seen. Sit back and enjoy.

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eWhizz’s Video Marketing Tips

Aniboxx had the pleasure of attending an excellent video marketing event put on by eWhizz, a group of intelligent digital marketing professionals. As video geeks we are always on the look out to learn more, and feel it is our duty to share with you key take away’s from the event.

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Indiegogo’s Top Tech Campaigns of 2014

Are you into crowdfunding as much as we are? Well then this blog is just for you! We recently spoke to a campaign advisor at Indiegogo and they showed us some amazing examples of technology product crowdfunding videos, and now we want to share them with you.

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Marketing in a Socially Connected World

On the 19th August 2015 Aniboxx had the pleasure of speaking at Launch22’s ‘Marketing in a Socially Connected World’ event. Aniboxx spoke alongside two excellent guest speakers Jude Brooks and Kelly Angood, who shared some words of wisdom on marketing and crowdfunding. If you missed the event don’t worry we’ve got you!

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Aniboxx’s Animation Review of Coca-Cola’s Man & Dog Advert

Coca-Cola strikes again! Over here at Aniboxx we’re big fans of Coca-Cola’s animated adverts and this year we are really impressed with their Man & Dog 2015 animation.

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