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Indiegogo’s Top Tech Campaigns of 2014

Indiegogo’s Top Tech Campaigns of 2014

Are you into crowdfunding as much as we are? Well then this blog is just for you! We recently spoke to a campaign advisor at Indiegogo and they showed us some amazing examples of technology product crowdfunding videos, and now we want to share them with you.


Here is a campaign from JIBO, the world’s first social robot for the home. JIBO were Indiegogo’s number one most successful technology campaign in 2014.


This is a campaign from New Matter MOD-t, which is a 3d printer for everyone. This campaign was over funded by around $300,000.


The campaign for Canary the first smart home security device for everyone was extremely successful and raised almost $2 million above their target goal.

If you’re interested in starting your own crowdfunding campaign, contact Team Aniboxx today and we’ll create a video that will help you exceed your goal!

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