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Help Start-Bee #DoTheWriteThing

Help Start-Bee #DoTheWriteThing

Aniboxx have had the pleasure to work with an amazing company called Start-Bee on their crowdfunding campaign.

As a new academic year begins, one child in three, 1.7m UK children, will start secondary school unable to write properly. Scientific evidence proves that children who can write are able to access the entire education curriculum more efficiently than children who cannot write.

Warwick University academics completed a study that tested the handwriting speed and ability of almost 200 pupils in three schools, they found that pupils with average or poor handwriting had only a 40 per cent chance of reaching national standards in Sats taken at the age of 11. In 2014 a study of 2,000 teachers and students – sixth-formers and university undergraduates revealed that almost two-thirds – 64 per cent – of teachers admitted that illegible writing “has prevented them from awarding the full marks a student deserved”.

However, help is at hand! Start-Bee are on a mission to challenge that statistic with a proven method that teaches children how to write. Start-Bee handwriting system takes absolute beginners to Ofsted standard in joined up writing in just seven weeks, with life-changing results.

To date, Start-Bee has been delivering handwriting lessons as after school clubs across Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Essex counties in the UK.  However, after a recent marketing campaign advertising the Start-Bee handwriting clubs to UK schools generated over 7,000 responses from teachers. Currently the education system isn’t able to help those children who are falling behind their peers, which is where Start-Bee can step in.

Start-Bee are launching a crowdfunding campaign to help the founder Mel, deliver her handwriting system via a web-streaming platform and turn the method into handwriting kits to be used at home. Every child, everywhere should be able to write effortlessly, enjoyably and excellently if they are to succeed at school. No child should be written off at school; additional funds will help Start-Bee help more children, more parents, as well as schools access Start-Bee lessons, not only here in the UK but in other countries too.

The Start-Bee system works, so if you want to help make illiteracy a thing of the past, support their crowdfund on Indiegogo now.

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