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Clue 9: Ensure the Visuals are Consistent with your Brand

Clue 9: Ensure the Visuals are Consistent with your Brand

Your brand is everything, and in all forms of advertising people should be able to identify it with your brands values, messages and imagery. We can agree that video marketing aids recognition of a brand. In fact, on numerous occasions we have produced video content that has become a products brand identity. In this article, we provide a few examples of when video content ties in well with a company’s brand identity.


The sport brand Adidas recently produced the ‘Here’s to the Takers’ campaign, which strategically used video distribution on social media sites to advertise. The videos included famous sportsmen and sportswomen, representing the brand by going all in for what they do and taking what’s theirs, whilst wearing Adidas. The hallmark of this video was that even with it being star studded with celebrities the brand message remained the key focus throughout. And our insight on video content brand messaging, leads us to conclude that the seamless brand presence in the video was aided by the visuals of sportsmanship and passion demonstrating Adidas’ brand values, with eye-catching smart placement of the iconic Adidas 3 stripes.

Watch this video, which includes all the stars that came together for this campaign:



The beauty brand Dove, are well known for their campaigns encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty. This year Dove has run their ‘Choose Beautiful’ campaign, which showcases women in different countries across the globe making the choice of walking through two doors; one labelled ‘average’ and another labelled ‘beautiful’. In all the countries Dove remain consistent with their brand colours; blue and white. The visuals are very simple and clear, which is what people identify with Dove.

Watch their #ChooseBeautiful video below:



The cola drink, Pepsi Max, created a hilarious viral video that showcased them pulling a prank on a car salesman, with the relentless racing driver, Jeff Gordon. Visuals of a fast paced moving car really tied into the brand message of pushing yourself to the max. They also effectively used product placement of the Pepsi Can as a camera in the car, so that it remained the focus of the video and people continually associate this funny video with Pepsi.




Coca-Cola have effortlessly incorporated their brands semiotics throughout their adverts; especially video. In pretty much all their adverts their running theme is red and white, which are the colours of their brand logo, and the 2014 Christmas adverts were no exception. In fact, this all started from the 1920s Coca-Cola Christmas campaign, and from this point Santa Claus was reinvented as a chubby tall man in a red and white fluffy suit with a big white beard.

Check out Coca-Cola’s 2014 Christmas advert:

Through these four excellent videos you can see how strong visuals that are consistent with your brand aids the message you’re putting out and even strengthens your brand. With our knowledge of video marketing brand messaging, we’ll always be able to help you strengthen your brand.

So go ahead and book a free consultation with Aniboxx

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