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Clue 6: Integrate your Video into the Marketing Plan

Clue 6: Integrate your Video into the Marketing Plan

I’m sure we have all heard of the saying “if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”. Well, it certainly applies when constructing a marketing strategy. Your marketing plan is essential to your overall success, which you all already know. But you need to make sure that your video marketing plan ties in perfectly with your overall marketing plan.

What type of video will help me achieve my marketing goal?

There is nothing worse than a confusing marketing strategy. So to avoid this, ensure all elements are in harmony with one another. When incorporating a video marketing strategy, think about what kind of video will help you achieve the overall goal of the marketing plan. Ask yourself is it for understanding, awareness, branding, etc. You could produce an explainer, crowdfunding, commercial, or tutorial video. Don’t just produce a fancy looking video because you see everyone else doing it. The thing that Aniboxx does to set you apart from everyone, is support with the development of your video strategy plan.

Where does this video fit in my marketing plan?

You need to now consider where in the marketing plan your video belongs. To ensure your video successfully serves its purpose, decide whether to strategically distribute it around social media or buy ad space and run it as part of a Pay Per Click or Cost Per Impression campaign. This will require you to know the best platform and time for engaging with your target audience.

A great example of video marketing being integrated with an overall marketing plan, from Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign

Dove screenshot

The Dove Real Beauty Sketches is a thought provoking video, which was a viral success and gained over 3 million shares on social media within its first month being online. It worked because it was consistent with their other ongoing marketing communications about real beauty. This video was strategically placed on social media and is available in 25 languages. At this stage Dove’s target audience had probably already made contact with the brand, the video was used to further aid their understanding of the brands message.

Remember, nobody wants to spend thousands of pounds on a video that doesn’t produce results. So the key things to take away from this article, is to understand the overall goal of your marketing plan and let Aniboxx help you figure out how a video will further aid this goal and provide advice on video distribution that has a maximum impact on your audiences decision making process.

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