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Clue 10: Test and Optimize Online Distribution

Clue 10: Test and Optimize Online Distribution

One key word in all things marketing, which you should never forget is Test! It is important to make sure you are testing the online distribution of your video, if you want your video to succeed. There are many testing methods.  But the testing method this article will be discussing is ‘split testing’.

Split Testing

Split testing is a great way to test two variants and see which one produces positive results. In the case of video marketing, we will be testing the things accompanying the video; such as thumbnails, name of video (title) and the platform it is distributed on. One of the positive results will be the target audience clicking to watch the video.


The thumbnail needs to be attention grabbing. To optimise your online distribution you will need to test the thumbnail that will be used for your video. So we advise you to try out two different thumbnails and see which one is attracting the most clicks. Test one thumbnail for a week and then the second one week later, whilst keeping the title for the video the same.

Below is an example from the Aniboxx YouTube page:



When carrying out a video marketing campaign, the title you use alongside the video affects the amount of clicks your video receives. For this reason the title of your video needs to be tested, again like the thumbnails, these titles need to be engaging in order to capture the attention of your target audience. Think of two good quality titles and test them out against the same thumbnail. Or you could just think of one solid title and change the wording around for each test. This will allow you to see what type of wording appeals to your target audience.


Your video may be distributed on a number of online platforms, so you might want to do different suitable tests for each of these platforms.

However, in the scenario that your campaign doesn’t allow you the time and budget to do split testing; you can carry out some desk research. This is another word for secondary research, and in this instance you can look at successful similar videos already on the internet and use a similar format.

Once you have tested your video and found which thumbnail and title to use alongside the video for the remainder of the campaign you are good to go.  All you have left to do is analyse and learn from the results, which will lead us onto the last but not least, clue 11.

*If you need extra support with your video distribution, Aniboxx offer a separate video distribution package “Engagemo” for maximising video success and measuring online impact. So come and give us a visit here at Aniboxx and let us help make your video successful. *

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