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Video Marketing Clue 5: Hit Your Audience in the Eyes and Ears

Video Marketing Clue 5: Hit Your Audience in the Eyes and Ears

Multi-sensory learning is now becoming increasingly more valuable in the marketing strategy plan, with a growing acceptance that stimulating more than one of the senses, in this instance the eyes and ears, aids the engagement, absorption and retention of information. This is important because most of us make the decision to ‘engage or move-on’ within 10 seconds of viewing new material.

Consequently, the art of video marketing is being able to communicate succinctly. The recommended 90 second typical explainer video production, for instance, can tell the essence of your story in 300 words, using visuals and audio to stimulate a strengthened linkage between new and existing memories, ultimately an increase in audience engagement. For businesses, this can lead to an increase in revenue from a simple Corporate Video Production.

Take Dropbox for example, who were able to generate 750,000 views in a month and several thousand extra sign-ups per day, by simple stripping their homepage down to one explainer video production. Now their landing page video has accumulated over a Million views, not to mention a highly successful platform.

The above is also a representation of how production styles have evolved over the last few years, distribution channels have emerged, interactivity has flown sky high and the technology has changed the face of video forever. The long and short of it is to ensure that both visuals and audio and produced in a compelling way, your message resonates with your audience effectively. The classic saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well in 2015, its safe to say that perhaps that picture is no longer a picture, but a video now worth a million people.

Still questioning the validity of what’s been written? Well then I invite you to take an extra 40 seconds to watch a segment of the Aniboxx animated explainer video, which I’m sure is an easy digest, and then write in the comment box below your preferred method of learning.

For more information on making a video production with us or video marketing services, fill out the consultation form and then download a free infographic.

Side note; click HERE to read the full 11 Clues to Video Marketing Success Launch blog.

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