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How Video Marketing Works

We help all type of people get the most out of their marketing plans by incorporating videos. From Startup Founders looking get off the ground with an over funded Crowdfunding Campaign, to Agencies looking to develop international campaigns for large Brands, through to Universities looking to attract and retain students.

To explain why we’re so successful, we thought it would be worth breaking down what goes into creating a successful Marketing Campaign using video to get the best ROI possible. Everyone knows video is one of the most powerful tools you can use for boosting engagement and conversions, but only when used correctly. To we’re going to be taking you through our mindset and how you can leverage it for your goals and objectives.

Start by thinking about things from your customer’s perspective

At the core of most marketing plans is the idea that your potential customer will have to go through a number of steps before they will be willing to buy from you. This means you need to think about:

1. Where they start off?
2. What they’re thinking?
3. and, what will make them take action?

There are a number of phrases, theories and buzz words that can be used to describe this idea and the steps involved. The most common phrase you’ll probably hear describing this concept is “Marketing Funnel”. You’ll probably be familiar with the idea of a Marketing Funnel already, if not, try to of a marketing funnel as creating a map for guiding your customer through a journey.

Thinking about the steps your customers need to go through before they are ready to buy from you as a journey, is really powerful. It’s powerful because you become empathetic to what they are going through at each stage. It also makes it easier to work out where potential clients might be getting lost along the journey. This is why it’s vital to map the most efficient route for getting people closer and closer to becoming your client.

Once you understand the basic concept of creating a customer journey, the next challenge becomes actually understanding how to effectively deploy one in order to get the best ROI. To explain how we help our clients get the best ROI from their marketing budgets let’s look at some examples…

Putting the theory into practice…

You can have many types of videos created depending on what you are trying to achieve with your campaign. For the best return on your investment, you normally want to have multiple videos deployed at different stages of your customer journey. Each video should be tailored to what you are trying to achieve at each step. Here are a few examples of videos that most campaigns benefit from:

  1. Social Media Video Ads for raising awareness
  2. Shorter Explainer Videos on landing pages to Educate your customer and Explain your value
  3. Retargeting Content and Ads to nurture potential customers until they are ready to buy from you
  4. Webinars, Longer Explainer Videos and, Video Sales Letters for converting email addresses and social media followers into customers
  5. On-boarding and Training Videos to ensure your customers get the most value possible and free up customer services resources



To see examples of our videos click on the button below to be taken to Our Portfolio…



An example of applying videos effectively to improve customer experience and ROI

To illustrate how you can use video to guide your potential customers along your customer journey, let’s use the example of Kelly as a potential client. And, The Happy Puppy Co. as a business looking to boost their marketing ROI with videos. We’ll look at each step of the journey from 3 perspectives:

  1. Happy Puppy Co.’s Objectives: What they needs to do at each stage to get kelly to the next step
  2. Our Video Solutions: Examples of what we might recommend to help achieve the Happy Puppy Co’s objectives based on past experience
  3. Kelly’s Journey: What Kelly would experience and how why videos are so effective



Happy Puppy Co.’s Objectives Our Video Solutions Kelly’s Journey

1. Raising Awareness

To reach everyone who loves puppies as cheaply as possible. The message is about a new service for connecting puppy owners who will be away traveling, with people who’d love to have a puppy for a short period of time.  Everyone knows the best and cheapest way to get attention on Social Media is to use video. We would advise creating 10, 30 second videos to be used as Social Media Ads and posts  While on the way to work Kelly spends time on social media, looking at Puppies. She’s been thinking about getting a puppy but isn’t sure if she can fully commit to adopting a puppy. Kelly see’s the ads on social media talking about looking after puppies for a week at a time

2. Educating & Explaining

 Most people who visit the website particularly from social media will be on their Smartphones and will only stay on a landing page for a few minutes seconds. It’s vital to quickly address all of Kelly’s concerns, get her excited about adopting a puppy and keep her attention while doing so The best way to keep Kelly’s attention while explaining the benefits of adopting a puppy quickly, would be to use a 3 minute Explainer Video relating to the ad Kelly clicked on Kelly clicks on an ad to learn more about the process of looking after puppies and is taken to a landing page with an explainer video which she can watch on her iPhone while riding the bus

 3. Capturing Data & Nurturing

Kelly won’t be ready to adopt a puppy the first time she sees an Ad, so the challenge is to keep her engaged and build her confidence in looking after puppies  To keep the brand front of mind and keep Kelly engaged we’d recommend promoting video via Retargeting on Social Media. Examples: Short videos of puppies playing, Testimonial videos and Training videos explaining how to look after puppies  While when Kelly gets home she see’s more content about looking after puppies from the Happy Puppy Co while on Facebook, building her confidence in taking care of a puppy, she also shares the video with friends

 4. Converting & Closing Deals

Increase signups on website for people who come to the home page as a result of the increased brand awareness  We often find Explainer Videos dramatically increases conversions in these situations because they lay out the benefits and can quickly demonstrate how easy it is to sign up  After learning about looking after puppies for serval weeks, Kelly decides to visit the website to sign up and see what kind of puppies might be available while on her lunch break at work

 5. Onboarding & Training

Ensure that puppies and adopters get the best adoption experience possible  Once an adoption has been booked, an automated series of On-boarding Videos should be sent out by email over 5 days leading up to the adoption. The videos would cover things like, how to get to Puppy HQ and best practices for taking care of a puppy through a temporary adoption  Upon finding Noodles, her ideal puppy, Kelly books an adoption for a bank holiday weekend. in the build up she gets emails with important information that also build up her excitement in the process. (Their’s also a reminder that she has to bring Noodles back!)

That’s how Kelly met Noodles!

So there you have it, you now know how to think about effectively deploying video marketing. It’s all about thinking about where your customers are and what you can do to get in front of them and how you can ensure that you are getting your message across in an engaging way. Obviously, to get the best possible results, you will need a plan tailored to your company and your objectives because videos can be used in many more ways, but hopefully, this should give you a good idea of the basics when thinking about getting the best ROI form your marketing efforts.

If you’d like some help crafting a marketing plan to your objectives, you are more than welcome to book a free consultation with one of our friendly Video Marketing Consultants by clicking on the button below. They will be able to walk you through crafting an effective plan and the video production process.

Book Consultation


PS. If you know someone who might need help spreading the word about their brand, Startup, Charity University or Crowdfunding Campaign why not share a link to this page with them?
