+44 (0)7900784447

Lunch & Learn

Aniboxx invites you to book a lunch & learn!

We have met many fantastic agencies that work with clients who want to implement video marketing into their marketing communication strategy, and have asked us to consult them on online videos for their clients. So we have decided to set up a Lunch and Learn programme where we come to you to present valuable insights into the world of video marketing.

How it works:

Aniboxx’s Managing Director Jide Johnson and Video Marketing Consultant Kallan Henry will come to you at lunch time to provide lunch and give you and your employees an engaging and educating presentation about current viral video trends, value in video, and our recent learning’s and findings on video marketing success for 45 minutes. These presentations can be designed and tailored to suit what current projects you are working on with clients or within the company.


Jide Johnson
Animation Director / Video Marketing Consultant

Jide has 8 years of experience in 3D and 2D animation for television and advertising. He trained as an animator at leading post production company The Mill and studied Digital Animation at university, winning a string of awards.

Random Facts

Jide loves playing basketball, making music and developing ideas for animated films, television shows and music videos.

And that’s not all, after this talk you and your employees will receive a free PDF document of the presentation to take away and refer back to.

Aniboxx’s Managing Director Jide Johnson has done plenty of talks on his learning’s of successful online videos and video marketing across the UK and abroad.

We do 2 Lunch and Learns a month so hurry and book a place today 🙂  

All you need to do is fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch.

Book a free lunch & learn

Enter your details below and our team will get back to you with some options for dates


    First Name

    Last Name

    Company Name

    Phone Number

    Your Email (required)

    Please describe the types of projects you work on
